Happy (belated) New Year! I’m off to a slow start creatively due to the day job being pretty busy for 2017 year end. I have so many projects that I can’t wait to work on though! Mostly the same of what I have been doing- collage, sketchbook, painting, and I’d like to add more art journaling.
So how did I do with my 2017 word, which was ”present”? Overall I did pretty well! I definitely took the time to slow down and really enjoy my surroundings more often. I could do better with looking at social media less, but Instagram is just so addicting! Spending less time on social media is an ongoing goal.
I came to my word for 2018 after I did the Courage Counsel webinar series hosted by Dionne Thompson of In Her Element. I really enjoyed digging deep into the items she covered such as 2017 accomplishments, key people who help and inspire me, reframing, and the decisions I make that will positively impact 2018. We came up with our power word, which I am using as my word for 2018 and my word is “Confident”. I have struggled with this for most of my teen and adult life and it’s time to step up for myself and have confidence. Confidence in my job, confidence in my art side hustle, and confidence in whatever else I do.
So there you go, let’s make it a good year and happy creating!