June (Final) Wrap Up

I don't know how people blog several times a week, I can barely handle once a month! This week I found myself dreading this June wrap up post (which is why it's super late).  I'm not a full time blogger (obviously) so I can do whatever I want here! That means I'm going to end the wrap ups for now. I wanted to do a year of monthly wrap up posts and I made it 9 months. Not bad! Back to posting here whenever the mood strikes.

It took me about two seconds today to realize that I've been having a hard time handling stress and anxiety, so I should cut some things out of my routine (and add in more of what I truly want to do at that moment). Scott and I went to Michigan for a long weekend in a cabin with no internet and barely a cell signal and I realized I need to unplug a bit more in daily life. In honor of that, here are a few of my favorite photos from this weekend.

Now I'm going to spend the rest of my night reading and collaging/drawing in my sketchbook. Happy creating!


February Wrap Up

February was a month of balancing work-life-art and feeling pretty good about it. The day job has been busy but there was still time to make plans with friends and make art. It's not as perfect as I feel it could have been- I could have done a lot more with the art, but it feels good overall (and that matters!). The boyfriend and I went to Milwaukee for a long weekend of museums, eating, and drinking; another fun Midwest winter trip.

I haven't been doing so well with being present lately; my mind is all over the place and unless I'm painting I am having trouble focusing. I am working to block out more creative time and not let other things distract me. As I type this I have the whole evening ahead of me to create and work on whatever I need to catch up on. 

Here's the February wrap up:

Photo Round Up

100 Days of Discussion by Jennifer Synder 

100 Days of Discussion by Jennifer Synder 

Map Your Business by Tara Swiger

Map Your Business by Tara Swiger

Tyanna Buie (American, b. 1984)Incarnation, 2015Assembled screenprint with collage and ink, charcoal, and mixed media on paper150 × 133 1/2 inMilwaukee Art Museum

Tyanna Buie (American, b. 1984)
Incarnation, 2015
Assembled screenprint with collage and ink, charcoal, and mixed media on paper
150 × 133 1/2 in

Milwaukee Art Museum

Have a great March!