Per usual, I’ve been doing LOTS of thinking, but not much writing. I need to stop keeping all these thoughts in and get them on paper (well, computer).
I’ve been focused on my day job and other side gig a bit, but still have been thinking about my art practice a ton. I have been making small collages to make sure I keep the practice of making something. I’m in that cycle of being scared to make art. Scared it might suck, scared no one will buy it. But why? This isn’t my main source of income, so why be scared? It might be because I want to start thinking of my art as more of a business and less of a side-hustle turned hobby. Granted, this will still be a side hustle but I want to focus on it more again. Creating makes me happy, putting my work out into the world makes me happy. I suppose the part I really dread is the more business side and “admin tasks”. I know treating my art as more of business will propel it but it’s hard to focus on that when I just want to create.
To dive into what I mean by treating my art as more of a business: I mean to focus on things other than making art and give it a good amount of attention, not treat it as an afterthought. This means keeping up with calls for artists AND their deadlines (I am awful at that). This means marketing myself (scary!) and developing a personal brand. I feel like my work is recognizable, but not on the level I’d like it to be. I need to deal with the nitty gritty boring admin tasks that come along with a business. I know I can do it, but the true question is- can I pull it off? Can I make this a regular side hustle again? And a profitable one?
I want to write more on this as a way to keep myself accountable, so make sure to bookmark my blog or add to your favorite blog reader. I recommend Feedly.
A recent painting and experiment in abstract
A recent collage