Here and There

Hello! It's been awhile since I blogged again...whoops. It's been a weird few months to say the least. Let's start with the good; I went to Vegas for Thanksgiving to visit my Dad and his girlfriend and like always I had a really good time, I even won some money! 

Here's some photo highlights from my trip

So the not so fun stuff...I've been having a hard time lately with my depression. I don't think I've talked about it on here before, but I've been struggling. It's very hard to get motivation for anything, hence why I haven't been in my studio at all. I just want to sleep and sometimes I go to bed around 10pm or earlier, which is ridiculous for me. It's so bad right now that my usual go to's for making myself feel better aren't helping (taking a bath, reading, seeing friends, recognizing the positives in my day to day life). I just want to stay under the covers and be a hermit for a little while. I'm having a really, really hard time breaking out of this funk right now and I'm hoping soon I can post something more positive and I can share how I got out of this rut. 

Slow Going

I hate going to the doctor. 

I don't write many personal posts but I felt the need to vent...

I'm hoping one of these days soon life gives me a break. I had a tooth pulled 2 weeks ago and the week after a few fillings put in (lesson learned about skipping the dentist!), and this week I went to the doctor for a muscle strain in my neck that quite possibly is a pinched nerve. The muscle relaxers and pain meds are enough to make sleeping bearable but I'm still in a lot of pain. After some research it looks like going to a chiropractor is the next step and I have an appointment tomorrow. The neck pain is tough because I can't even look down to read. I suppose I could sit with the book straight in front of my face, but that will not be comfortable for long. I haven't worked in my studio at all either. Basically I've been in a medicine haze since Tuesday and sleeping a lot. I was supposed to go on trip to Lake Geneva this weekend for a bachelorette party and had to cancel since there is no way I could do all the activities and deal with the pain and no way I could rest the muscle in my neck/shoulder. I've been a bit stressed over these health issues amongst other things and hope I feel well soon and am back to normal, I've got a lot to do!

Happy Happy, Joy Joy

I normally don't post much personal stuff on here, but today I'm cranky (combination day job stuff and not feeling well, just being blah lately), so I decided to post about some things that are making me happy right now to cheer myself up.

I reorganized my studio recently and love the new layout so much.

New tattoo. Our friend Sam is getting married this fall, so her and two of us bridesmaids got matching tattoos at Insight Studios. Mine was done by Jeff P.

I've been to 3 cubs games so far this season

Yesterday was one year since my dude and I had our first date. We had a chill date night last night to celebrate.