Print Crush

I have a serious crush on the work of Two Arms, Inc. A print power couple working and living in Brooklyn; Karen and Michael are fellow Floridians that I have kept in touch with over the years and I truly admire their work and love to keep up with what they're working on. Below are some of my more recent favorites prints.

Make sure to check out their website and peruse the blog, galleries, and shop.

Let's be pen pals

I love sending handwritten letters and just signed up to receive one from Illustrator Mary Kate McDevitt. Her plan is to write one a day, and it's simple to sign up to receive one, just visit her Tumblr here.

Right now I only have a few pen pals, but if you would like to do a letter exchange with me, send me an email at


One of my favorite web comics is by Liz Prince. She loves pop punk and has a unique way of presenting everyday situations. Check out her site here! If you like her stuff, make sure to buy some comics/books, I have!

Also a quick reminder, my Etsy shop will be on vacation starting tomorrow. Do some shopping now!

CPL Rules

Picked this up at the library yesterday. I've been having a bit of an artists block lately but have been reading a ton. I've never been to Europe and last week I started to get kinda obsessed with going to Holland (ironic I know...those who know me will get that). I would love to plan a trip in the next year or so, I hope I can save my pennies to make this happen! Here's the link to the book on Amazon if you're interested, or check your local library!

Fest 10

In one week I'll be flying to Florida to go hangout in Orlando and to go to Fest 10 in Gainesville! The Fest artwork and branding is always solid thanks to Black Axe Design and Horsebites. I'm a big fan of all their work and like to keep up with what they're doing.


I have a weird obsession with buttons, and these are definitely some of the most unique one's I've seen. Check them out here. I stumbled across these in a post from one of my favorite blogs, Button Candy!


Computer-less again, but only till about the end of the week while it's being fixed. Thank goodness for time to blog at work...

Here's some other places to find me on the interwebs if you feel so inclined:
Heartless Arts on Facebook

The Milwaukee Avenue Arts Fest was a blast! So many great exhibits and we had a good turn out for the photography show. I've curated twice this year and look forward to working on more projects. I'm thinking my next move is to focus on making more work and trying to get a show somewhere for Fall/Winter.

Soon I'll be staying for a few days in a neighborhood right next to the lovely Mt. Charleston in Northwest Las Vegas and causing various kinds of trouble in and around Las Vegas. The Etsy shop is on vacation till I am back! So make sure to start your shopping again on July 27th. Tomorrow before my flight we are hanging the photography show that I am curating for the Milwaukee Ave Arts Fest. I am very excited to see all the photos up on the wall at Crown Liquors (I love that my exhibit is in a bar).

Have a great weekend!