Currently- June

I've been working on a new painting for my show at Reed's Local coming up in July. It's been frustrating working a little bigger in a small space but I am making it work. Below is a sneak at what I have been doing. 

I've been taking a step back and thinking about my work (thinking too much honestly) and I am frustrated with how much I think and don't just DO. I want to make, make, make; but when it comes down to it I start to doubt. Doubt is slowing me down so much right now. I mean, in the end it's just paint right? I can paint over a mistake, keep going till I get it right. But again here comes that doubt....what if I can't get it right? I am working to get over this doubt that has been looming over me for years. I am in a good place in my life, it's not the end of the world if I can't get a painting right. Move on, go to the next one and do that one right. 

Writing this out and sharing with whoever reads this is already helping. Writing gets out these thoughts that are stuck in my head on repeat and breaks the cycle. I need to find what works for me- what keeps me focused.  It might take me awhile to get there, but I will get there.