Today was a good day as far as work flow goes for both my day job and my art.
I love when people write about their day to day, so here was mine (with limited photos, I didn't realize I would write about my day till tonight).
This morning I woke up just after 7:30, which is sleeping in since I decided to work from home for my day job. I put the ingredients for pork carnitas in the slow cooker, got coffee and breakfast going and starting working a little after 8.
At lunch I took a break and took advantage of the lighting outside to take some photos of my newest paintings outside on our back stairwell so I can list them on Etsy.
After I got the photos, I ran out to grab coffee then continued my workday. When I was done with the day job at 5 I took a TV break and watched the latest Game of Throne with Scott. After that and before dinner was editing the photos I took earlier; then after dinner was a few drinks at the local watering hole then back home to get the new listings ready and saved as drafts so I can publish in the AM.
My desk transitions from day job to editing art photos.
Not too bad! I truly enjoy a day where I am productive but still have time to relax. Now I am going to catch up on some blog reading before bed. Till next time!