Happy New Year! It's only a few days in but it's been a good start so far! Been having good times with good friends and last night I got to see The Copyrights/Shot Baker/Hot Water Music . I think the last time I saw Hot Water Music was the Social in Orlando about 5 years ago and since then I've seen Chuck do his solo material in Chicago a few times. Anyways, point being it was a great show! Been so busy with the holidays and whatnot that I have only been working on my art here and there...Once I finish this one painting I've been working on for awhile I want to send in submissions to a few galleries for a show. I have a few smaller local galleries in mind that seem to focus on Chicago artists so we'll see...I've been having trouble focusing lately? Adult ADD? Haha who knows?
Time to work on some embroidery then hopefully it's off to Club Foot! Oh how I love my neighborhood!