April Wrap Up

Time flies huh? I'm here for another monthly wrap up of the creative things that I am currently doing and enjoying. Psst- see previous wrap ups here

April Wrap Up!

  • While in Indiana for a wedding I found a wonderful store that sells handmade goods called Gather. If you're ever in Bloomington, IN make sure to stop in.
  • Went to the Babely  Bazaar at Slippery Slope and picked up a coloring book zine, print and a new pin.
  • Went to C2E2 and met Kate Leth. She signed some comics for me!
  • Listening to: New podcast I am listening to is The Creative Introvert and I'm enjoying it.
  • Checking out the new Etsy Studio and debating selling collage packs on there...

That is it for this month! If you are in Chicago make sure you check out my work on view in May- Info below:

Les Nereides

108 N. State St. Chicago, IL 60602

5/4/17 through 5/31/17

Photo Round Up:

November Wrap Up

Happy December all! I am writing this as I watch the first snowfall of the season in Chicago. I am definitely missing the Vegas sunshine that I had while on Thanksgiving vacation! 

Here are the art and creative things I saw/did this month.

November Recap:

  • Saw a lot of great murals in Downtown Vegas. If you ever find yourself there make sure to check out the Arts District
  • Discovered the Art Supplies Posse podcast and I am so happy! I worked at an art store for a few years during college and I love talking about supplies. I found out about this podcast through Kathy Weller's instagram when she shared that she was on an interview on the podcast. 
  • Checked out the clothing line launch of Pintl + Keyt at the Greenheart Shop in Old Town. Such beautiful patterns and fabric! 
  • Attended the Day Job/Night Job/Art Job talk put on by Chicago Artist Resource. It was more geared towards artists who make most/all their money from their art, but I still enjoyed the discussion (I have a day job and do art on the side). 
  • Went to Alexee McNulty's art opening at Reed's Local in Avondale. She had beautiful abstracts and pop culture pieces as well as prints of her work for sale. I picked up a print as part of my Christmas shopping. 

Here are some photos from the month, enjoy!

Downtown Las Vegas mural

Downtown Las Vegas mural

Obey mural in Downtown Las Vegas

Obey mural in Downtown Las Vegas

How rad are these paintings by Alexee McNulty???

How rad are these paintings by Alexee McNulty???

Another great piece by Alexee McNulty

Another great piece by Alexee McNulty

Two paintings I am currently working on

Two paintings I am currently working on





October Wrap Up

I have been itching to share more here and decided to start with a monthly wrap up series where I take a look at creative items from the previous month. 

Let's take a look at October:

  • I have been inspired by Tara Swiger's podcast and decided to become a supporter on Patreon
  • A friend gave me some old books and papers that I can use for collage
  • Set goal to work more in abstract with paintings
  • Went to the Cornelia Arts Center open house
  • Studio/office is actually set up and usable 

Below are images from the month, enjoy! 

P.S- I love instagram, make sure to follow me there!

Cornelia Arts Center

Cornelia Arts Center

Collage in my sketchbook

Collage in my sketchbook

Exploring abstract painting 

Exploring abstract painting 

Early stages in October of the office/studio set up

Early stages in October of the office/studio set up